
Hey Sports Fans

Published by Corey Hunter
Feb 16th 2011, 4:51pm

So its been a week now that I've been living in the Big Apple and things are finally settling in. I am now %90 sure how to get to work and am somewhat confident I won't be mugged on the subway. My motto is when in doubt, take a cab, because at least they know where they're going. Most importantly though, I've finally gotten a chance to get out and start visiting you guys. Last week to headed to Pearl River and Port Washington HS where I'm sure they remember me as the guy making them sweet T-shirts. Thats right, I'm quite the whiz on the heat press so if you want a shirt, be nice and leave me a compliment or something in the comments haha. This Tuesday we headed to Somers HS where a little wind nearly blowing the tent away didn't stop these guys from having a good time. By the way Somers people, your coach is the man. Love the mustache. He looks like what I imagine pre would look like today. So guys, we have countless more visits, but if you want us at your school drop me, the van, or the spike bus a comment on our runnerspaceses!

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